Join us for children and youth Sunday school every Sunday at 9 a.m.
The Midway Lunch Bunch meets regularly for food and fellowship at a local restaurant and at the church. Contact the church office for more information.
Midway offers Sunday School classes for all ages at 9 a.m. each week. We are happy to help you get plugged into a class. We have classes for all ages.
Joys and concerns are always lifted in worship services. Please feel free to contact the church office if you have a prayer request.
Midway offers music intended to help everyone praise God. We have a chancel choir and we are interested in having praise band. If you're interested in any of the above, please reach out to our director of music , or the church office. We'd love to have you.
The people of Midway are dedicated to serving the community, often working with partners like Cooperative Christian Ministry and other United Methodist churches, to meet the needs of neighbors.
Midway strives to provide ministries to people of all ages. We offer opportunities for any and all to get involved. Join us in fellowship as we strive to be a movement of God's love in the word.
Midway's ministries are open to all. Please contact the church office at 704-932-3216 or with any questions.
Opportunity House is an outreach ministry that works to provide those in need with meals, clothing, work programs and devotionals. Founded in 2008 as a program through Midway, the Opportunity House now stands as its own ministry. You can read more about their mission and programs here.